Letter #11 - November

Darling Jesus,

Psalm 103 was read today in church. It is a perfect way to end this month.

I decided to therefore make this post about Psalm 103.

To bless You (pay tribute to, pay homage to, give thanks to, venerate), remembering what You have done and who You are:
Forgiver, Healer, Saviour, Lover, Provider, Protector (verses 3-6)

Slow to anger and abounding in mercy indeed You are. I'm so thankful that You are. I'm so thankful that You do not deal with us according to what we deserve (verses 8-10)
But the extent of Your love and mercy and patience towards those who fear You is immeasurable (verses 11,12&17)

It is reassuring to know that You understand...
You understand the struggle of wanting to do better and yet falling short, the struggle of being presently bound to this flesh (verses 13&14)

It is always good to be reminded of how fleeting life on earth is, how quickly it goes by (verses 15&16). Maintaining this perspective throughout life is a challenge...there are many distractions. Oh God please give us the grace to invest our time and resources into what truly matters...what will matter in the end.

Oh Lord, there is no question to Your sovereignty.

I'm super thankful that I'm one of those privileged to bless You.
May my soul indeed never cease to bless You.