Should Christians in America vote Republican or Democrat?

With the US presidential elections just around the corner, I would love to share something that was somewhat of a revelation to me not too long ago. In most American Christian circles, the expectation is to vote Republican. You could say that the Republican Party is viewed as the “Christian” party, while the Democrat Party is the “worldly” party. Well, it is my humble opinion that both parties are deeply flawed as far as Christianity is concerned.

You will agree that as Christians, whether subconsciously or intentionally, we tend to consider some sins as being more serious/grave than others. For example, consider what happens if a pastor confesses to struggling with pornography vs him confessing to struggling with pride. If we are honest, we will agree that the reaction he will get in both scenarios will be quite different. It is sort of the same thing I see going on in US politics. Abortion and homosexuality happen to be “loud” sins and so many Christians say they cannot compromise and vote for Democrats who support and promote such. That is of course very correct. However, when it comes to the Republican party, the following sins are quite prevalent; self-interest, pride, lying, scheming (of course some of these are also present in the Democratic party). But because these are “quiet” sins, they are somehow ignored by most of the Christian body. The Republican party can very easily be seen as the party for “legalistic” Christians. Let’s take a look at the 7 things God Himself considers abominable.

Proverbs 6:16-19
“These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.” NKJV

Now with this is mind, can the Republican party really be considered the “Christian party”? Personally, I would choose not to vote. Now you will ask, what about my civic duty? That’s of course Biblical. True, but not at the expense of my Christian values. Just like I am commanded to obey my parents “in the Lord”. I will not go ahead and steal because my parents asked me to, and call it Christian obedience. Therefore, if voting either Republican or Democrat means I compromise, then sorry, I would rather not vote.
