
April. The dawn of Spring
The dull of winter fading
The smell of fresh blossoms
The promise of summer beckons

April. Dear to my heart.
Another year to start
Resurrection to remember
Jubilation and wonder

April is no doubt very special to me. One of my three favorite months of the year. It is special for three main reasons: I relish the end of winter, welcome another year in my life and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Oh the magic of Easter. Jesus died unjustly for me, rose from death, ascended into heaven bodily and promised to come back to take us Home. What a story! What a mystery. I would like to share three things that particularly stood out to me this Easter...

  1. Be confident of God's love for me. Do not question it. He died for me.
  2. Know how to die to myself for the good/benefit of others. Like Jesus did. 
  3. To be like Christ is to embody humility fully. I can never be too "big" to do anything.

Celebrating my birthday this year is no doubt going to be different. Yes I happen to be one of those intent on celebrating every single birthday, no matter how small the celebration. With the on-going COVID-19 crisis, you can say I am especially grateful I get to blow another candle. So this year I have just one wish: to wake up everyday with an immense sense of gratitude, irrespective of what is going on in my life.

I recently realized that I have been quite a pessimistic person for most of my adult life. I was not the type to get my hopes up because I did not want to be let down. I feared disappointment. So I prepared myself for the worst case scenario by not expecting or dwelling on the best case scenario.

Doesn't that strongly contradict FAITH? (Hebrews 11:1).

I am really thankful for this personal revelation. I was a "glass half empty" kind of person, but now I have made up my mind to view life with a "glass half full" perspective. What is the worst that can happen?

Year 32...My year of thankfulness... anchored on the following Bible verse...

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In every thing give thanks : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." - KJV

If I trust God and His love for me, I will be thankful even in the hard times. Reflecting on the life I have lived so far, I begin this year with twelve things I am especially thankful for.
  1. Salvation: That I know Jesus as Lord and Savior. That death is not the end for me.
  2. Health: That every morning I get to swing my legs off the edge of my bed and stand up strong. That every part of my body is in tact and working as expected. 
  3. Marriage: That I get to share my life with a good man who loves Jesus too.
  4. Motherhood: That I have someone who calls me mummy and she's well and healthy.
  5. Family: Parents, siblings, in-laws, cousins, aunts and uncles...all alive and well and a blessing each in their own special way.
  6. Friendships: Laughter. Encouragement. Counsel. Inspiration. How they make my life so colorful.
  7. Background: Adulthood has made me appreciate my upbringing so much more. I'm so thankful for the solid foundation of a Christian home, conservative culture and boarding schools. 
  8. Education: A miracle on its own. Mostly top level, from nursery to graduate school. To have studied something that I am good at, and that I love. Indeed I am blessed. 
  9. Location: Putting aside the issues I have with Germany...I am blessed to live in such safety and luxury!
  10. Provision: Our jobs. That I do not lack food, shelter or clothing. That I can be a blessing. That I can afford certain luxuries.
  11. Church: The freedom to practice my faith with fellow believers. To worship Jesus openly and corporately. 
  12. Talent: Gifts and skills that mostly come naturally. For example, I am grateful that I write so effortlessly. 
If I remind myself of these twelve things everyday, I bet I will be able to maintain an attitude of gratitude for the rest of my life. Just thinking of the millions around the world who do not have many of the things I have listed above should humble me.

I challenge you to come up with a list of your own. Count your blessings...name them one by one. You will be amazed at how much joy and gratitude it will bring you. How much worry and anxiety you will be set free from. I know how our problems can be magnified to dwarf our blessings...so I pray we all can learn to focus on being thankful as we trust God with the not so good/easy parts of our lives.

Happy birthday to Me!!!


  1. Happy happy birthday dear one. That was very inspiring. Indeed we are truly blessed and no matter the situation we find ourselfs in, we should always learn to count our blessings.


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