Reading the Pentateuch and many other Old Testament books gives a lot of insight into the character and ways of God. Hidden in those books are principles and laws that if applied could make our Christian experience drastically different. One of those principles is that of CELEBRATION. For some reason God did not trivialize feasting and celebration when it came to what He expected of His people. Especially when these feasts were in honor/remembrance/appreciation of what He had done. It was commanded of them...and sometimes these celebrations lasted days! See Leviticus 23, Esther 9:18-32 and Deuteronomy 16.
The greatest event in history for any Christian believer is the death and resurrection of Christ. I would argue that Easter is more significant than Christmas, but is given much less attention by Christians. I think we can do better. How can we apply the principle/law of celebration under the new covenant? How can we be more intentional and committed to celebrating and remembering what God has done for us?
Annually, as Christians I think we have three major opportunities to remember and celebrate our faith: Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. We can learn from the Old Testament celebrations, which always involved three things: worship, giving and feasting/fellowship.
So how can we celebrate Easter in light of these?
Easter is definitely not about bunnies and eggs...although those can be fun additions to the celebration. Here are five God-centered ways to make Easter extra special:
- 40 days Lenten devotional and fast
- Holy Week Bible study on the Passion story
- Good Friday fast, prayer, and fellowship
- Saturday community service and evangelism
- Easter Sunday worship, offering, and celebration.
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